A great way for an individual to learn the basics of money management is to embark on a personal finance class. In the course of the class, an individual will learn some personal finance management skills such as creating short-term and long-term financial goals. Such goals will include effective personal budget and choice of investment opportunities.
A personal finance class will also empower the students (individuals) to learn different ways of preparing for future events ? e.g. retirement. There are wide range of ways to participate in a personal finance class. You can choose to participate online or attend a conventional personal finance class. With the present emphasis on financial literacy and the urgency involved, financial literacy or personal finance classes are springing up here and there.
Some of the classes are government-organized, while others are operated by independent persons. While some of the classes are carried out in accredited financial literacy institutions, others are informal in nature. The informal financial literacy setting is more of informational websites and online materials. The most essential thing is that you have a great deal to learn from any of these sources of personal finance education.
Areas Covered in a Personal Finance Class
Whether as an individual or larger household, you can learn a great deal on personal finance and money management as a whole. The curriculum would usually cover areas such as;
????????? Basic budgeting for a household; how to create a sensible budget and stick to it.
????????? Learning about retirement planning; which includes getting to know about different retirement plans available and how to take advantage of the options.
????????? How to monitor income and expenditure; financial analysis materials such as balance sheet, income statement and others are introduced under income and expenditure tracking.
????????? Learning about estate planning basics
????????? Also, taxation principles and operation are taught in the course of a personal finance class.
????????? Investment principles for beginners; here, topics such as how to make wise investment decisions are covered. You will also learn other investment-related terms such as risk and diversification. You may also learn about tax implications associated with some kind of investments.
Choosing the Suitable Personal Finance Class
There are several factors that would come into play when trying to choose a suitable personal finance class. These factors will include the following;
????????? Your personal finance goals; e.g.? the aspects of personal finance you want to focus on. For this type of financial goal, you will need to attend a class that specifically addresses your targeted aspect of personal finance.
????????? Your schedules; if you are the busy type and may not have flexible schedule to sit in a conventional class, you would prefer a customized online personal finance class.
????????? Your budget; different financial literacy programs are organized at different rates, and others are entirely free.
The need to become financially literate is urgent right now.
Nik Halik is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Life Strategist, Successful Entrepreneur, Astronaut and Best Selling Author.
Source: http://thethrillionaires.com/content/blog/2012/08/15/financial-literacy-personal-finance-class/
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